

Further education | Courses
Gestaltsalon | Info Talks

description of our events

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For the detailed description please click in the respective field you want to learn more about. Note: Program that takes place only in German language is not fully translated

| Further education |

4 year advanced training in Gestalt therapy

with practice sessions in mindfulness practice

There is a detailed description of the comprehensive program.


4 year advanced training in Gestalt therapy

with focus on Flieght / Migration / Trauma

There is a detailed description of the comprehensive program.

| Self-awareness | Groups |

Berlin Summer Gestalt Week

Discover yourself with creativity and joy!

Currently our Summer Gestalt Week programme is only in German. We are in the process of developing offers in English, stay informed!

14. – 19.08.2023 jeweils von 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Montag: Kunst als Zugang zu inneren Bewegungen. Intuitives Zeichnen als non-verbale Methode mit sich in Fühlung zu kommen. Leitung: Nicole F. Brémond

Dienstag: Die Stille als Möglichkeit die Ohren nach Innen zu öffnen und mit sich selbst in Beziehung zu treten. Leitung: Birgit Schönberger

Mittwoch: Innere Spannungen, Konflikte, unerledigte Gestalten werden psychodramatisch nach aussen gebracht und bearbeitet. Leitung: Gabriele Blankertz

Donnerstag: Körperverbundenheit wird durch Wahrnehmungsübungen, Bewegung, Dialog und Resonanz in der Gruppe gestärkt. Leitung: Carola Knüppel

Freitag: Die Stimme als wichtiges Ausdrucksmittel unseres Selbst wird zum Klingen gebracht indem spielerisch experimentiert wird. Leitung: Simon-Jakob Drees

Samstag:Träume eröffnen Möglichkeiten mit eigenen Themen in Berührung zu kommen und damit kreativ zu arbeiten. Leitung: Alessio Zambon

Kosten: 400 € für die gesamte Woche, einzelne Tage sind buchbar für 80 €

Anmeldung: g.blankertz@gestalt-institut.com

Ort: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Glaimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin

| Awareness | Art | Meditation |

Mindfulness stressreduction

Mindfulness and Gestalt with Vera Mysak in Ukrainian/Russian/German

Mindfulness and Gestalt with Vera Mysak


Thursdays from 11.00 – 13.00

Vera comes from sunny Odessa in the Ukraine. She is a psychologist, Gestalt therapist and mindfulness teacher. She has lived in Berlin since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and is in the process of rebuilding her life here. Sometimes this is difficult for her, sometimes she is full of joy, sometimes she doesn’t know what to do. But what she feels very clearly is that she loves her life and accepts everything that happens in it. She has learned to find stability, to enjoy happy moments and she wants to pass on what she has acquired to others.

Through mindfulness exercises, we learn to slow down, become more aware of the present moment and appreciate it as what is available to each of us.
The courses offer a supportive framework to
meditate together and understand what meditation is and what it is not
learn to deal better with difficult experiences
stop the flow of negative thoughts and learn how and why it is important to stay in the “here and now”
learn to make conscious decisions instead of living on “autopilot”
find a way to be kinder to others and to yourself.


Dates: weekly from 4 participants

Cost: €20 per appointment (discount possible for refugees)

Registration: inkontakt@gestalt-institut.com,

Location: InKontakt Gestalt Institute Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin


| Socially engaged Gestalt |

Advanced training in Gestalt therapy with a focus on flight | migration | trauma

Pre-workshops in preparation for further training in Gestalt therapy in German/Arabic/English

for refugees from Syria and other Arab countries working in social, educational and similar fields.


flight and identity

for gestalt couselling work

With the further training course “Flight and Identity”, we offer Arabic-speaking employees of social organisations/institutions with their own flight/migration experience a structured framework for a targeted examination of the question of how flight affects the identity of refugees. The participants contribute their own experiences, which are jointly reflected upon on the basis of the Gestalt approach and made usable for counselling work in various social fields. The focus is on dialogue-based work and creative methods.


Circle of Peace

Dialogue group for Arab women
This group supports women who, after losing their familiar life in Syria, are looking for a way into a self-determined life here in Berlin. The goal is to cope with the demands of the new situation, to process multiple losses and painful experiences and to develop a perspective in their lives.

Women find a safe place here where they can

find peace and understanding conversation partners
get support for coping with everyday problems
Experience strength and encouragement in exchange with other women
Learn coping strategies for dealing with the consequences of trauma.
Support for own goals and plans.
Body work, yoga, etc. contribute to mental stabilization.
The group sessions are supplemented by individual discussions as needed.

Time: Monday from 18:00 – 20:30.

Individual preliminary talks and, if necessary, further individual talks are offered.

Costs: The offer is free of charge for the women! (The offer is currently supported by a grant from the Senate for 5 months).

Direction: Rawaa Alsamman, counselor, Gestalt therapist i.t.

Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin

Registration: inkontakt@gestalt-institut.com

| Gestaltsalon |

With the Berlin Gestalt Salon, Gabriele & Stefan Blankertz offer a framework in which the roots of Gestalt therapy can be deepened, Gestalt theoretical questions can be asked and socially relevant topics can be discussed. In addition, artistic performances underline the lively approach of Gestalt therapy and invite to contact and networking. Currently our salon programme is only in German.


Mit Dr. Wolfgang Looss im Gespräch über das Dialogische in der Beratung.
am 13.10.2023, um 19.00 Uhr

Wir werden an diesem Salon-Abend der Frage nachgehen, wieweit das Dialogische in Bubers Sinne für die Business-Welt tauglich oder vielleicht sogar nötig ist. Wolfgang Looss wird über seine Erfahrungen aus seiner langjährigen Beratungstätigkeit sprechen und im Dialog mit den Teilnehmenden auf Fragen aus der Praxis eingehen.

Gestaltsalon-Abend: 10,00 € / ermäßigt 5 €

Anmeldung: inkontakt@gestalt-institut.com,

Ort: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin

| Info talks |

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Since the Corona pandemic, we have been offering info talks on an individual basis. This has proven successful and we are retaining this form, even though the situation has eased in the meantime.

Here you have the opportunity to ask questions in personal contact about our training offers, courses, workshops, etc. and to clarify whether a particular offer is right for you.

Please register briefly by telephone or e-mail. We look forward to meeting you!

Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin, Germany.
Registration: inkontakt@gestalt-institut.com
Phone: 0163-1910426

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A calendar with dates you can find here