Further education | Courses
Gestaltsalon | Info Talks
description of our events

| Further education |

| Self-awareness | Groups |
Pre-workshop with Ben Graham March 29th 2025
In preparation for the International Gestalt Training 2026
In in spring 2025 we will start with pre-workshops to get a taste of Gestalt work. Self-experience leads to better contact with oneself and others and raises awareness of self-management processes. Based on self-awareness, we explore our life and contact processes. Dysfunctional contacts lead to a lack of energy and good solutions to challenges. Being in flow means being in regular contact with yourself and others. Contact is a central practical and theoretical concept to which we refer alongside other concepts such as field theory. We work in dialogue and integrate creativity and bodywork into our practical and theoretical understanding.
We provide this diverse and innovative program as a framework, accompanied by experienced and competent trainers, to create an inspiring source of enrichment and supplementation for your specific work context.
Led by: Ben Graham
Costs: 90 €
Decision Workshop: 28.11. – 30.11.2025.
Start of our 2nd International Gestalt Training from 12 – 15 February 2026
Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin
Pre-workshop with Gabriele Blankertz, May 3rd 2025
In preparation for the International Gestalt Training 2026
In in spring 2025 we will start with pre-workshops to get a taste of Gestalt work. Self-experience leads to better contact with oneself and others and raises awareness of self-management processes. Based on self-awareness, we explore our life and contact processes. Dysfunctional contacts lead to a lack of energy and good solutions to challenges. Being in flow means being in regular contact with yourself and others. Contact is a central practical and theoretical concept to which we refer alongside other concepts such as field theory. We work in dialogue and integrate creativity and bodywork into our practical and theoretical understanding.
We provide this diverse and innovative program as a framework, accompanied by experienced and competent trainers, to create an inspiring source of enrichment and supplementation for your specific work context.
Led by: Gabriele Blankertz
Costs: 90 €
Decision Workshop: 28.11. – 30.11.2025.
Start of our 2nd International Gestalt Training from 12 – 15 February 2026
Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin
Shaping my work-life - Start March 10th 2025
A place to explore the connection between our inner world and our professional success
This training is focused on work-related challenges that participants are facing in their daily life and experience as stressful, frustrating or are somehow holding them back. Just to name a few: 1) collaboration with stakeholders, like your team, functional partners, clients, or upper management; 2) your role and value, like organizational structure, clarity of roles, your positioning, career planning, productivity, or value creation; or 3) self-care to be able to do your job as long as you wish, such as stress-management, setting boundaries, prioritization, saying no.
Target group: Professionals with up to 5 years experience in leading people, who are curious to explore how their inner world influences their professional performance and want to improve their ability to add value at their workplace.
Organizational: The workshops will take place in a group of maximum 6 people with diverse professional backgrounds. Your commitment and regular participation is key to unlock the benefits of the process. It takes time. 16 sessions will take place on Mondays from 6 to 8:30 pm between March and November 2025. No workshops on holidays.
Dates: 10.03.; 24.03.;07.04.; 05.05.; 19.05.; 02.06.; 16.06.;14.07.; 21.07.; summer break; 08.09.; 22.09.; 06.10.; 20.10.; 03.11.; 17.11.; 01.12. Additionally, there will be two full day workshops. Dates tbd.
The workshops will be held in English. You don’t need to be a native speaker, if you can work in English, that’s good enough
Facilitator: Dr. Cristina Hayden
Registration: A free of charge 30-minutes check-in is prerequisite to register for the group. Please contact me via
Cost: 3.120€ payable in a) 10 monthly installments of 312€ or b) 1 payment of 2.800€ by March 31st
Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin
Summer Gestalt School Berlin 2025
Discover yourself with creativity and joy!
18. – 30.08.2025 each from 10.00 – 16.00 Uhr
The first week will be in German, the second week in English.
18.08.: Kunst als Zugang zu inneren Bewegungen. Intuitives Zeichnen als non-verbale Methode mit sich in Fühlung zu kommen. Leitung: Nicole F. Brémond
19.08.: Die Stille als Möglichkeit die Ohren nach Innen zu öffnen und mit sich selbst in Beziehung zu treten. Leitung: Birgit Schönberger
20.08.: Innere Spannungen, Konflikte, unerledigte Gestalten werden psychodramatisch nach aussen gebracht und bearbeitet. Leitung: Gabriele Blankertz
21.08.: Körperverbundenheit wird durch Wahrnehmungsübungen, Bewegung, Dialog und Resonanz in der Gruppe gestärkt. Leitung: Carola Knüppel
24.08.: Auf den Spuren der Perls‘ in Berlin. Leitung: Christof Weber & Svenja Holweg
25.08.: In the footsteps of Perls in Berlin. Led by: Christof Weber & Svenja Holweg
26.08.: Silence as an opportunity to open your ears inwards and enter into a relationship with yourself. Leader: Birgit Schönberger
27.08.: The voice as an important means of self-expression is brought to life through playful experimentation. Led by: Simon-Jakob Drees
30.08.: Dreams open up opportunities to get in touch with one’s own themes and to work creatively with them. Led by: Alessio Zambon
Kosten/Costs: 80 € je Tag/per day
Ort: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin

| Awareness | Art | Meditation |
Mindfulness stressreduction
Mindfulness and Gestalt with Vera Mysak in Ukrainian/Russian/German
Mindfulness and Gestalt with Vera Mysak
Thursdays from 11.00 – 13.00
Vera comes from sunny Odessa in the Ukraine. She is a psychologist, Gestalt therapist and mindfulness teacher. She has lived in Berlin since the beginning of the war in Ukraine and is in the process of rebuilding her life here. Sometimes this is difficult for her, sometimes she is full of joy, sometimes she doesn’t know what to do. But what she feels very clearly is that she loves her life and accepts everything that happens in it. She has learned to find stability, to enjoy happy moments and she wants to pass on what she has acquired to others.
Through mindfulness exercises, we learn to slow down, become more aware of the present moment and appreciate it as what is available to each of us.
The courses offer a supportive framework to
meditate together and understand what meditation is and what it is not
learn to deal better with difficult experiences
stop the flow of negative thoughts and learn how and why it is important to stay in the “here and now”
learn to make conscious decisions instead of living on “autopilot”
find a way to be kinder to others and to yourself.
Dates: weekly from 4 participants
Cost: €20 per appointment (discount possible for refugees)
Location: InKontakt Gestalt Institute Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin

| Socially engaged Gestalt |
Shaping change trough dialog
for gestalt couselling work
The training offers participants a framework for learning and development processes that enable them to deal responsibly with personal and social challenges and to manage conflicts appropriately. In this training course, we will work on conflicts in the context of family, partnership, growing up and society in a relationship-oriented way. An understanding of inner-psychological, interpersonal and social dynamics will be conveyed. Both internal and external areas of conflict are examined and dealt with. We work with experience-oriented methods of self-management and dealing with conflicts, tying in with inner values and working out their motivational power. Building on this, participants develop personal goals and strategies to achieve them.
Gestalt therapy background knowledge is imparted and implemented methodically and experimentally. The basics for working with people in social professions are taught in 10 workshops.
The training will be held in Arabic.
Introductory date: 29.03.2025
flight and identity
for gestalt couselling work
With the further training course “Flight and Identity”, we offer Arabic-speaking employees of social organisations/institutions with their own flight/migration experience a structured framework for a targeted examination of the question of how flight affects the identity of refugees. The participants contribute their own experiences, which are jointly reflected upon on the basis of the Gestalt approach and made usable for counselling work in various social fields. The focus is on dialogue-based work and creative methods.
Circle of Peace
Dialogue group for Arab women
Women find a safe place here where they can
find peace and understanding conversation partners
get support for coping with everyday problems
Experience strength and encouragement in exchange with other women
Learn coping strategies for dealing with the consequences of trauma.
Support for own goals and plans.
Body work, yoga, etc. contribute to mental stabilization.
The group sessions are supplemented by individual discussions as needed.
Time: Monday from 18:00 – 20:30.
Individual preliminary talks and, if necessary, further individual talks are offered.
Costs: The offer is free of charge for the women! (The offer is currently supported by a grant from the Senate for 5 months).
Direction: Rawaa Alsamman, counselor, Gestalt therapist i.t.
Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin

| Gestaltsalon |

With the Berlin Gestalt Salon, Gabriele & Stefan Blankertz offer a framework in which the roots of Gestalt therapy can be deepened, Gestalt theoretical questions can be asked and socially relevant topics can be discussed. In addition, artistic performances underline the lively approach of Gestalt therapy and invite to contact and networking. Currently our salon programme is only in German.
The Berlin Gestalt Salon evenings are entering a new round in 2025: with a further developed format, new impulses and interesting guests, we would like to shed light on various aspects of Gestalt therapy. We will also take a look outside the box, at other therapeutic approaches and socially relevant topics.
The new planning team – consisting of Alex Neumann, Birgit Schönberger and Svenja Hollweg – warmly invite you to take part in this open exchange.
Gestalt meets KI - Frank Hahn in a conversation with Lea Schäfer, on March 7, at 6pm
Is ChatGPT the better therapist? Will psychotherapists and coaches soon be obsolete? Artificial intelligence is already becoming increasingly important in psychotherapy in view of long waiting lists and exploding costs in the healthcare system. AI-supported tools can provide first aid and bridge waiting times. Answers provided by ChatGPT on psychotherapeutic topics are generally rated even higher by test subjects than those provided by professional psychotherapists. This is the result of a study by researchers at Ohio State University in the USA. Coaches can also be supported by AI and suggest suitable questions and tools or use AI to visualize results. But what does it do to the contact if the other person is purely virtual? What about awareness, resonance, intuition, empathy and other qualities that are essential for Gestalt? Where does AI reach its limits and possibly become dangerous?
Frank Hahn, Gestalt therapist in conversation with Lea Schäfer, psychologist and Clare&me employee. The Berlin start-up has developed an AI that is designed to help those affected over the phone. Clare&me is aimed at people suffering from mild symptoms such as mild depression or anxiety. In the future, Clare will also be able to recognize and treat signs of burnout.
After the speakers’ impulses, there will be an opportunity for an open exchange to contribute your own thoughts and questions.
Afterwards, we warmly invite you to a social get-together over a drink.
We look forward to an inspiring evening, enriching discussions and sharing ideas with you!
Gestalt salon evening: €10.00 / reduced €5
Location: Praxis für Gestalttherapie, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin
Gestalt meets Buddhism. Svenja Hollweg in conversation with Dr. Lotte Hartmann-Kottek. On May 7th, at 6pm
After the speakers’ impulses, there will be an opportunity for an open exchange of ideas and to contribute your own thoughts and questions.
Afterwards, we warmly invite you to a social get-together over a drink.
We look forward to inspiring evenings, enriching discussions and sharing ideas with you!
Gestalt salon evening: €10.00 / reduced €5
Location: Praxis für Gestalttherapie, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin
Gestalt meets NARM - Alex Neumann in conversation with Anne Piotrowski. On November 07, at 6pm
This evening will focus on reflections on mutual development in working with developmental trauma. What is NARM? The Neuroaffective Relationship Model (NARM) is a psychodynamic and body-oriented approach for the treatment of developmental trauma, which works simultaneously with the dysregulation of the nervous system, with grown identity distortions and with their mutual interconnectedness.
Alex Neumann, Gestalt therapist, in conversation with Anne Piotrowski, NARM therapist.
After the speakers’ impulses, there will be an opportunity for an open exchange to contribute your own thoughts and questions.
Afterwards, we warmly invite you to a convivial get-together over a drink.
We look forward to inspiring evenings, enriching discussions and sharing ideas with you!
Gestalt salon evening: €10.00 / reduced €5
Location: Praxis für Gestalttherapie, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin

| Anniversary conference | 10 years of INKONTAKT

June 20 – 22, 2025
Interspaces for encounters –
Bridging differences
Lectures are held in German and English and are available as texts in the other language.
Your Subtitle Goes Here
Friday, June 20, 2025
from 14:00 Admission
14:30 Welcome and opening of the conference – Gabriele Blankertz
15:30 Lecture 1: Dr. Mouta Barakat – „What it’s like to be a psychotherapist in a politically oppressed society in a dictatorship“
18:00 Exhibition opening – Female artists from Syria in Gestalt training
Saturday, June 21, 2025
from 10:00 Admission
11:00 Lecture 2: Dr. Stefan Blankertz – “Why war – a Gestalt perspective”
11:00 Lecture 3: Dr. Lidia Chylewska-Barakat – „20 years of working with refugee trauma“
14:00 Workshop 1: Gabriele Blankertz + Rawaa Alsamman: Transcultural dialog group
14:00 Workshop 2: Birgit Schönberger: Meeting ourselves from our inner center
16:00 Workshop 3: Ben Graham /Alex Neumann: Topdog/Underdog – Dynamic
16:00 Workshop 4: Svenja Hollweg: Being in resonance together – listening into the space in between – what is now?
19:00 Party with live music – swing and Latin – you can dance!
Sunday: June 22, 2025
10:00 Practical introduction to art therapy – “From the periphery to the core – connecting the space in between”. Nicole F. Brémond.
13.00 – 14.30 Finissage – the artists are on site, you can talk to them and buy pictures.
15.00 Closing
Costs: 120 € (reduced 90 €)
Location: Praxis für Gestalttherapie, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin

| Info talks |
We offer individual information meetings live or remotely.
Here you have the opportunity to ask questions in personal contact about our training offers, courses, workshops, etc. and to clarify whether a particular offer is right for you.
Please register briefly by e-mail. We look forward to meeting you!
Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstraße 37, 10437 Berlin, Germany.