the institut
Team and Trainers
the team
Director of the institute
Gabriele Blankertz
Born in 1964, 3 adult children, certified pedagogue and Gestalt therapist DVG, Gestalt office in Berlin since 2000, groups and advanced training in Gestalt therapy and counselling, founder of the Berlin Gestalt Salon and establishment of the InKontakt Gestalt Institute Berlin since 2015. Engaged in work with refugees from Syria since 2016, established the group “Circle of Peace” and realized special dialogue-training in Arabic/German. Publications on this in German and English.
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Gabriele Blankertz is a graduated pedagogue and Gestalt therapist. She has been working as a Gestalt therapist in independent practice for 20 years. For a long time she led youth welfare teams and advised colleagues in professional questions.
She deepened her Gestalt knowledge in specific advanced trainings for couples therapy, group therapy and dance therapy, as well as workshops with Gary Yontef and Peter Philippson and Wolfgang Looss.
She learned trauma stabilization techniques at the Trauma Center Berlin (TZB) and further developed her knowledge in Dialogic Trauma Therapy with Willi Butollo at the Munich Trauma Institute (MIT).
She has been leading therapy groups and trainings for several years and combines Gestalt work and Zen practice in her approach.
In 2013/14 she participated in the training as a guest trainer at the Gestalt Institute Cologne/Kassel (GIK). In addition, she has been running the Berlin Gestalt Salon together with her husband Stefan Blankertz since 2011. She is an adjunct lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences and an advanced education lecturer for Gestalt counseling at the APAMED professional school in Switzerland.
„Kontakt Gestalten – Wege zur Heilung“, edition g., 2015
„Circle of Peace – ein Gruppenprojekt mit arabischen Frauen.“ In: Katharina Stahlmann (Hg), Begegnungen mit Geflüchteten – Möglichkeiten der Gestalttherapie, EHP, 2018
“Shaping change through dialogue – with responsibility for a common future “In: Joanna Kato, Guus Klaren, Nurith Levi (Ed.), Supporting Human Dignity in a Collapsing Field, Gestalt approach in the social and political contexts. Istituto di Gestalt, 2019
Overview of my education and training:
- Studies in Educational Science, University of Innsbruck.
- Five-year training in Gestalt therapy at the Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Gestalt Pedagogy IGG, Berlin.
- Training in mediation, FH Potsdam
- Further training in couple therapy, Berlin
- Healing license for psychotherapy HPG
- Advanced training in Trauma Stabilization Technique at the Trauma Center Berlin (TZB)
- Advanced training in group therapy, Berlin
- Advanced training in Life/Art/Process, dance therapy according to Ann Halprin, Berlin
- Advanced training in Dialogic Trauma Therapy at the Munich Institute for Trauma Therapy (MIT)
- Advanced training in Transformative Scenario Planning and “Collaborationg with the Enemy” with REOs Partners.
My professional experience includes:
- Help families on a fee basis.
- Self-experience groups for women and “biographical dance work”
- Professional management and deputy management of youth welfare organizations in Berlin
- Fee basis work for the social psychiatric service Berlin/Mitte
- Freelance work as Gestalt therapist, individual therapy, couple therapy, groups since 2000
- Guest lecturer at the Gestalt Institute Cologne GIK
- 2011 Foundation of the Berlin Gestalt Salon
- Lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin since 2015
In addition:
- 2009 to 2010 honorary chairperson of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy DVG
- Member of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy
- Zen student of Roshie Bernie Glassman and Roshie Eve Marko, USA
- Founding member of the Zenpeacemaker Deutschland e.V.
Deputy director of the institute
Alessio Zambon
Specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, Gestalt therapist, PhD in sociology and educational research.
Advanced training in Italy and Germany, in bioenergetics, meditation and Jungian symbolism work. Experience as special education teacher, trainer and supervisor for social workers (4 years), research in public and mental health and health promotion at the University of Turin in Italy (11 years). Worked as a physician in various hospitals and outpatient clinics after studying human medicine, works as a doctor in Bad Zwesten and in Berlin. Psychiatric and psychotherapeutic office in Berlin.
Assistant of the institute:
Yasemin Oruc
Qualified secondary school teacher for English and sport with a focus on dance education. Teaching experience at various schools and in different federal states. Many years of practical experience in sports education work with children and young people.
Active in organizational and administrative support and public relations at the institute
Publication series Berlin Gestaltsalon
Stefan Blankertz
Born 1956, two adult sons. PhD in sociology, habilitated educational researcher, publication among others on the theory of Gestalt therapy; 20 years theory trainer at the Gestalt Institute Cologne, 2012 co-founder of the Berlin Gestalt Salon and contributor to the InKontakt Gestalt Institute Berlin as theory coach.
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Work on Paul Goodman and expert of his extensive work, considers Paul Goodman his most important teacher; texts critical of society, philosophical and literary texts.
Publications – a selection:
- Gestalt begreifen: Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Theorie der Gestalttherapie.
- Gestalttherapie Essentials: Das Wichtigste aus dem Grundlagenwerk von Perls, Hefferline und Goodman
- Paul Goodman, Einmischungen. Ein Reader (herausgegeben, übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen)
- Die Geburt der Gestalttherapie aus dem Geiste der Psychoanalyse Freuds
- Kurt Lewins Kritik der Ganzheit
- Peter Philippson, Selbstwerdung. Übersetzung: Stefan Blankertz (Original: Self in Relation). Hg. Gabriele Blankertz
- gemeinsam mit Cornelia Muth, Husserls Intuition und Levinas´Beitrag.
- gemeinsam mit Erhard Doubrawa: Einladung zur Gestalttherapie: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen
- Lexikon der Gestalttherapie
- Paul Goodman, Marie T. Martin, Stefan Blankertz, Kleine Gebete
- Stefan Blankertz, Meister Eckhart. Heilende Texte
other trainers
Darko Hristov
B.Psy.(Hons), M.Psy. | Gestalt Psychotherapist-in-Training
Darko Hristov is a psychologist with a deep commitment to psychological assessment,
psychotherapy, and the education of future therapists. His expertise lies in conducting
comprehensive evaluations, particularly in assessing intelligence and personality, combined with
a Gestalt approach that emphasizes the whole person and their environment.
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Darko has gained significant clinical experience working at the Clinic for Mental Health
Protection and the Specialized Psychiatric Hospital “Gornja Toponica”, where his focus on
addiction treatment has provided invaluable insights into complex mental health challenges.
His practice blends clinical knowledge with empathy, ensuring that each client receives individualized
care that addresses both psychological and emotional needs.
In the academic arena, Darko has been involved in training psychology students at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, with an emphasis on modern diagnostic
tools and psychological education. His efforts have contributed to enhancing the educational
experience for future psychologists.
Since 2018, Darko has been a key collaborator at the Center for Gestalt Therapy Education
“Um i Tijelo”, where he works on advancing clinical skills in Gestalt therapy, particularly in the integration of diagnostic systems such as the DSM into therapeutic practice. His dedication to
professional development extends to his role as a contributor to the Gestalt Academy of Belgrade,
where he has supported the growth of Gestalt therapy in Serbia.
Darko’s professional development has been greatly enriched through his ongoing supervision with Peter Philippson, a leading Gestalt trainer and founder of the Manchester Gestalt Centre. This collaboration has had a profound influence on Darko’s therapeutic approach, allowing him to
refine his skills and deepen his understanding of the relational aspects of Gestalt therapy. He is
also an authorized translator for Philippson’s books and articles in the Serbian language, further contributing to the dissemination of Gestalt theory.
Darko is also honored to be part of the Gestalt-Institut Berlin, where he participates in the
international training of Gestalt therapists. This prestigious role allows him to bring his clinical
expertise and passion for psychotherapy to a global stage, enriching his practice through
collaboration with leading professionals in the field.
He is dedicated to reducing the stigma around mental health and fostering greater understanding through public
discussions and educational efforts
Ben Graham
Gestalt Therapist (MSc. Metanoia Institute, UCKP reg.) in private practice in Berlin. After completing his training in 2018, he returned to Metanoia as an assistant tutor in Gestalt Therapy from 2019 – 2021. He has attended workshops with Peter Phillippson, James Kepner and Michael Clemmens on a variety of topics in therapy, as well as online professional development in working with trauma from Peter Levine and Janina Fisher.
Ben has a particular interest in phenomenological philosophy and how Gestalt has carried this tradition forward in radical ways. He co-authored a paper on the phenomenology of phobia which was presented at the Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture conference in 2021.
As a migrant to Germany and the son of American migrants to the UK, he is also interested in themes of migration, home, history and authenticity.
Simon Jakob Drees
Musician and Gestalt music therapist, violin, viola, singing, composition and improvisation, develops an original and physical way of making music, creates spaces for musical improvisation and self-expression; further education with Ilse Middendorf “Der erfahrbare Atem”, 2009 foundation of the Mirkaledo Institute and the practice for musical healing work.
Nicole Félicia Brémond
Freelance painter, lecturer for drawing and painting, clinical art therapist and Gestalt consultant as well as non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy; she is certified in Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy (PITT) and art therapy by Prof. Dr. Luise Reddemann;
In 1991 she started practicing the Zen way until now it is part of her life. She lives and works in Berlin.
Birgit Schönberger
Svenja Hollweg
Born in 1975, mother of an adult daughter. Gestalt therapist in private practice in Kassel. Leader for experience-oriented circle conversations (Council) trained in 2007 by Gigi Coyle (Ojai), since then active in adult education. Experience in psychosocial counseling.
Zen trainings with Zen teacher Bernie Glassman (USA), Cornelius von Colllande (Benediktushof) and Frank De Waele (Belgium). Creates spaces for encounter and awareness by organizing and leading Zen meditation circles and Zen Peacemaker Bearing Witness Retreats in collectively challenging places.
Trainer of our international Programm
Mouta Barakat
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Work on Paul Goodman and expert of his extensive work, considers Paul Goodman his most important teacher; texts critical of society, philosophical and literary texts.
Publications – a selection:
- Gestalt begreifen: Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Theorie der Gestalttherapie.
- Gestalttherapie Essentials: Das Wichtigste aus dem Grundlagenwerk von Perls, Hefferline und Goodman
- Paul Goodman, Einmischungen. Ein Reader (herausgegeben, übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen)
- Die Geburt der Gestalttherapie aus dem Geiste der Psychoanalyse Freuds
- Kurt Lewins Kritik der Ganzheit
- Peter Philippson, Selbstwerdung. Übersetzung: Stefan Blankertz (Original: Self in Relation). Hg. Gabriele Blankertz
- gemeinsam mit Cornelia Muth, Husserls Intuition und Levinas´Beitrag.
- gemeinsam mit Erhard Doubrawa: Einladung zur Gestalttherapie: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen
- Lexikon der Gestalttherapie
- Paul Goodman, Marie T. Martin, Stefan Blankertz, Kleine Gebete
- Stefan Blankertz, Meister Eckhart. Heilende Texte
Trainer of our international Programm
Lidia Chylewska-Barakat
Ph.D. of Psychology; Theme of Dissertation: Violence between spouses in socio-cultural context of gender. Polish-Syrian Compare Study. Institute of Psychology of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
10 years of psychological work in Damascus, in private practice, teaching, working with refugees from Iraq.
Psychotraumatologist, trainer and supervisor with private practice in Torún; lecturer at Nicolas Copernicus University in Torún, Poland. Languages: Polish, English, Arabic, Russian, German;
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Professional Experiences
2012 – now – Psychotherapist, psychotraumatologist, trainer, supervisor and case management meetings provider at Psychoeducation Barakat (working with children, adolescents, adults and families; individual and group therapy; soft-skills trainings, leadership, crisis intervention, communication, consulting, personal and group development, psychosocial support);
2013 – now – Supervisor and trainings provider for Polish Humanitarian Action, Emic Foundation (Torun), Free Syria Foundation (Warsaw – Irbid – Jordan), Dialog Foundation (Białystok), For the Earth Association (Bratnik k. Lublina), Another Space Foundation (Warsaw), Ministry of Social Affairs, Support Center for Imigrants (Gdańsk), Warsaw Center for Educational and Social Innovation and Trainings, and others
2013 – now –Psychology lecturer at Nicolas Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
2013 – 2016 –Psychology lecturer at Higer School of Pedagogy and Technology in Konin and Torunian High School in Toruń, Poland
2008 – 2012 – Psychologist, trainer and case management meetings provider at SS.CC Psychological Support Center for Families and Children – victims of Iraq War in Saideh Zeinab and UNHCR Women Develop Center (worked with children, adults and families; individual and group therapy, psychosocial support); Damascus, Syria
2009 – 2011 – Co-trainer and trainings supervisor in Capacity Building Interagency Project Training for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support of Master Trainers, Damascus, Syria.
2006 – 2012 – Trainer and Co-trainer in workshops and trainings of family therapy, First Psychological Aid, Nonviolent Communication; Transactional Analysis, Basic and Advanced Skills of Helping for Refugees; Crisis Intervention, SGBV Intervention and Therapy; Rogerian Therapy, and Interpersonal Trainings, Damascus (in cooperation with UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF, Polish Embassy, Caritas Syria, Maison du Bon Pasteur, Therre de Hommes Loussane)
2006 – 2008 – Co-therapist in Groups of Trauma Therapy for Iraqis Children
2003 – 2012 – Psychotherapist – private practice, Damascus, Syria
2002 – 2005 – School Psychologist, Al-Bashaer School, Damascus
2002 – 2004 – Lecturer –Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Institute of Psychology, Department Health & Clinical Psychology
1993 – 2002 – Psychotherapist – private practice, Poznań, Poland
1991 – 1993 – Clinical and Family Psychologist – Public Clinic for Health Psychology, Poznan
1990 – 2001 – Assistant – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland),Institute of Psychology, Department Health & Clinical Psychology
2001-11-12 – Ph.D. of Psychology; Theme of Dissertation: Violence between spouses in socio-cultural context of gender. Polish-Syrian Compare Study. Institute of Psychology of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
1996 – 2001 – Ph.D. study – Institute of Psychology of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
1986 – 1991 – Masters’ degree of Psychology; Institute of Psychology of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Trainings and workshops
1991 – 2019 – Management of Support Group; Cross-cultural Psychology, Change Management, Critical Incident Stress Management; Mental Health and PSS programs Monitoring and Evaluation, Crisis Coaching, Short-term Limited Therapy, Transactional Analysis (Psychotherapy and in Organizations), Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Communication Skills; Crisis Intervention, Nonviolent Communication; Bodynamic, Stress Management, Negotiation, Somatic Experiencing, NARM, Trauma Therapy, EMDR in Trauma Therapy, Rogerian Therapy, Relaxation with Yoga elements etc.
1998 – 2000 – Family Therapist – System Approach in Family Therapy, Foundation of Psychotherapy Development, Polish Psychiatric Association, Krakow, Poland
•Languages: Polish, English, Arabic, Russian, German