


Shaping my work-life

Shaping my work-life

Shaping my work-life

A place to explore the connection between our inner world and our professional success

This training is focused on work-related challenges that participants are facing in their daily life and experience as stressful, frustrating or are somehow holding them back. Just to name a few: 1) collaboration with stakeholders, like your team, functional partners, clients, or upper management; 2) your role and value, like organizational structure, clarity of roles, your positioning, career planning, productivity, or value creation; or 3) self-care to be able to do your job as long as you wish, such as stress-management, setting boundaries, prioritization, saying no.

Target group: Professionals with up to 5 years experience in leading people, who are curious to explore how their inner world influences their professional performance and want to improve their ability to add value at their workplace.

Organizational: The workshops will take place in a group of maximum 6 people with diverse professional backgrounds. Your commitment and regular participation is key to unlock the benefits of the process. It takes time. 16 sessions will take place on Mondays from 6 to 8:30 pm between March and November 2025. No workshops on holidays.

Dates: 10.03.; 24.03.;07.04.; 05.05.; 19.05.; 02.06.; 16.06.;14.07.; 21.07.; summer break; 08.09.; 22.09.; 06.10.; 20.10.; 03.11.; 17.11.; 01.12. Additionally, there will be two full day workshops. Dates tbd.

The workshops will be held in English. You don’t need to be a native speaker, if you can work in English, that’s good enough

Facilitator: Dr. Cristina Hayden www.cristinahayden.com

Registration: A free of charge 30-minutes check-in is prerequisite to register for the group. Please contact me via mail@cristinahayden.com

Cost: 3.120€ payable in a) 10 monthly installments of 312€ or b) 1 payment of 2.800€ by March 31st

Location: InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin

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