Further education | Courses
Gestaltsalon | Info Talks
Shaping change through dialog
Strengthening responsibility for a shared future
The training offers participants a framework for learning and development processes that enable them to deal responsibly with personal and social challenges and to manage conflicts appropriately. In this training course, we will work on conflicts in the context of family, partnership, growing up and society in a relationship-oriented way. An understanding of inner-psychological, interpersonal and social dynamics will be conveyed. Both internal and external areas of conflict are examined and dealt with. We work with experience-oriented methods of self-management and dealing with conflicts, tying in with inner values and working out their motivational power. Building on this, participants develop personal goals and strategies to achieve them.
In this training course, social and psychological processes are examined and deepened in a practice-oriented way on the basis of personal experience. Gestalt therapeutic background knowledge is imparted and implemented methodically and experimentally. The basics for working with people in social professions are taught in 10 workshops.
The training will be held in Arabic.
Introductory date: 29.03.2025, 11.00 – 16.00
Dates and topics
25 – 26.04.2025 Strengthening your own personality – self-perception
In the 1st workshop, we will examine which experiences have strengthened and which have weakened me and how this affects the formation of my identity. (Sensitization of self-perception)
30 – 31.05.2025 Understanding social dynamics
In the 2nd workshop, we examine the tense relationship between the individual and society. How do I experience myself in my relationship to society? Finding your own way between adaptation and resistance/rebellion. (Theory of aggression)
11 – 12.07.2025 Understanding psychological processes, Part I
The 3rd workshop examines feelings and psychological mechanisms that can cause problems when living together. If difference is avoided and a uniform WE is assumed, real contact is avoided. (Confluence & demand for confluence as avoidance of contact)
22 – 23.08.2025 Understanding mental processes. Part II
In the 4th workshop we examine feelings and psychological mechanisms that can cause problems in living together. When rejected feelings or parts of oneself are projected onto others, contact is avoided. Instead, we build up a false image of the other person. (Projection as avoidance of contact)
26 – 27.09.2025 Value orientation – experiencing conflict
In the 5th workshop, we examine our own values and norms according to which we act. These will be questioned, reviewed and possibly realigned. What conflicts arise when different “normal” ways of thinking and acting clash? (Introjects as a disturbance in contact)
07 – 08.11.2025 Conflict management and dialog
In the 6th workshop, we examine the prerequisites for successful conflict resolution through dialog. Dialogue requires real listening, openness and appreciation for the other person. This requires a high degree of self-reflection and taking responsibility for one’s own feelings, needs and actions. Dialogue requires an attitude that respects otherness and tolerates difference.
19. – 20.12.2025 Dialogical conversation management
In the 7th workshop we will experiment with practical exercises. We will examine the difference between the 4 forms of communication: Downloading, Discussing, Dialoging, Presencing (according to Adam Kahane).
16. – 17.01.2026
Content in progress
20. – 21.02.2026
Content in progress
10. – 11.04.2026 Conclusion – presentation of own work
Number of participants
50 € per workshop
Rawaa Alsamman, Gestalt Counsellor, Gestalt therapist i.T.