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Flight & Identity

for Gestalt counselling work

With the further training course „Flight and Identity“, we offer Arabic-speaking employees of social organisations/institutions with their own flight/migration experience a structured framework for a targeted examination of the question of how flight affects the identity of refugees. The participants contribute their own experiences, which are jointly reflected upon on the basis of the Gestalt approach and made usable for counselling work in various social fields. The focus is on dialogue-based work and creative methods.

Module I:
Identity between compulsion and freedom

In the first module, we will examine the tense relationship between external or internal compulsion and freedom. When social (external) expectations come up against the limits of personal needs, conflict arises. Those who stand up for their own needs and thus do not fulfil societal expectations may be rejected and experience feelings of guilt. The external conflict can become an internal conflict.

15-16 March 2024 Real self versus ideal self

In the 1st workshop, we will examine how the formation of an ideal self or real self are related to socialisation conditions.

19-20. 04. 2024 Personal needs versus social expectations

In the 2nd workshop, we will analyse the extent to which social norms and values and the expectations derived from them stand in the way of perceiving and satisfying one’s own needs.

17-18 May 2024 Self-acceptance versus self-devaluation

In the 3rd workshop, we will practise a self-accepting and self-supporting attitude that avoids destructive psychological judgements,
destructive psychological mechanisms that devalue ourselves and others.

Mudule II:
Fear/guilt/shame – dynamics

In the second module, we look at the dynamics of fear/guilt/shame. The first step is to differentiate between guilt and feelings of guilt in order to find an appropriate way of dealing with them. We will then examine the destructive and at the same time very powerful force inherent in shame processes. Fear must be understood as a healthy reaction to danger. It scares us to be shamed and to suffer a loss of face. Our self is attacked and this feels threatening. When we recognise this dynamic, we are better able to protect ourselves and others. It is about developing an attitude that protects the self.

07-08. 06. 2024 Guilt and feelings of guilt

In the 4th workshop, we will work on differentiating between guilt and feelings of guilt in order to find an adequate way of dealing with them.

05-06. 07. 2024 Shame and loss of face

In the 5th workshop, we examine shame processes and ways of protecting and healing them.

13-14. 09. 2024 Fear/guilt/shame and power

In the 6th workshop we will analyse the dynamics of fear/guilt/shame as an instrument of power analysing its destructiveness in the areas of upbringing, education and other areas of society.
areas of society.

Mudule III:
Dialogue and conflict

Dialogue presupposes the recognition of others with their individual needs, views and aspirations. Dialogue shows an interest in the other person whose opinions and views you do not necessarily agree with. Recognising and enduring this difference between the self and the other and the other supports and protects each other’s self-boundary. Aggression in the Gestalt approach is understood as a positive force that only becomes destructive and harmful when it is not in the service of self-preservation and personality development. Especially in partnerships and in the upbringing of children, the handling of boundaries and aggression becomes a sensitive issue, which we will address in the 3rd chapter.
topic, which we will address in the 3rd module.

01-02. 11. 2024 Perceiving (self-) boundaries and enduring difference

In the 7th workshop, we will use practical exercises to deepen our awareness of our own boundaries and those of others and illustrate their application in social and professional illustrate practical examples.

06-07. 12. 2024 Recognising aggression as a positive and destructive force

In the 8th workshop, we will develop an understanding of the distinction between positive and negative aggression based on personal experience and apply it to practical examples.

14-15. 02. 2024 Tension regulation and conflict skills

The 9th workshop will focus on exercises for tension regulation and conflict management. The techniques used include role-playing and discussion moderation.

28-29. 03. 2024 Conclusion – Presentation of your own work
Number of participants

50 € per workshop


Rawaa Alsamman, Gestalt Counsellor, Gestalt therapist i.T.
Alexander Winker, Islamic scholar, Gestalt therapist

InKontakt Gestaltinstitut Berlin, Gleimstr. 37, 10437 Berlin